Interested in becoming a member?

Click on the Flatlander H.O.G New Member form below and print it. Fill out a separate form for each person joining and include the $20.00 fee for each full member or $20.00 for each Associate member. Then take it to Wild West Harley-Davidson, one of our meetings or dinner runs, or you can mail it to:

Flatlander H.O.G.
c/o Cass brock (Membership)
5702 58th Street
Lubbock, TX 79424
806 791-4597

(don't enclose cash if mailing)


- Flatlander H.O.G New Member Form

- Flatlander H.O.G Emergency Contact Form

You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader
to view the membership form.

Please download the viewer if you don't have it installed.

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